Condi Rice I'm Coming For Your Job - Part Four
For some time now I've thought the world could use a little more humor when dealing with global foreign affairs. Therefore tonight I seized a great opportunity to pass an olive branch of worldly joy to my corridor mate Johannes by introducing him to pollock jokes. Johannes and I are quite fond of comedy and seem to have a similar sense of humor about the world (poor Johannes). Despite that, and the fact Johannes is from Germany, he was totally unaware that there was an entire library of jokes related to picking on the polish (say that five times fast and you'll actually sound polish). What an opportunity!
Now, at the same time, I feel foreign affairs should be a give and take relationship. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. For a large part of the day I had contemplated how to get a paper printed for class tomorrow morning without having to pay the traditional 1sek/page price at the library. I just so happened to know that Johannes has a printer in his room so.....I leveraged that opportunity and viola! Assignment two hot off the presses and ready for Professor Hans in the morning.
Now it was time to make good on my end of the bargain. So we began. I quickly sent Johannes an email link to This site is pretty run of the mill. For most of us raised on a steady diet of school yard shenanigans you're not going to find anything here that you didn't know about in sixth grade. But, for a newcomer like Johannes this was the holy grail of happiness. He roared with laughter as he scrolled the pages soaking in each pandering poke at the poles. I sat back with my lingonberries and wheat crackers that I was snacking on and thought to myself 'now that's what foreign relations should like look'.
Here was one of Johannes' favorites (obtained from another site):
The Polish were entrenched on the front opposite the Germans during one of the battles of WWII. As hard as they tried, the Germans couldn't hit any of the Polish soldiers because they kept low in the ditches.
Finally one of the Germans hit upon an idea. "Hey Krachevski, is that you?" he yelled at the Polish trench. Krachevski stood up in his trench and said, "Yeah, it's me!" and was immediately shot by the Germans.
The Polish soldiers pondered this over and decided that it was a good idea. "Is that you, Wilhelm?" one of the Polish soldiers yelled to the German trench. "Yeah, it's me Markowski," replied one of the German soldiers. "Why don't you come over here?" "OK, I'm coming..."
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