Has Anyone Seen My Bike, 2 Tires, Basket, Anyone?
Sometimes life takes turns you can't see coming. Things that blindside you when you least expect it. Today was one of those days. LANCE is coming to the Tour in 2009!! This is one of the greatest pieces of news I've heard since the time Jon and I found a bus willing to take us from the north rim of the grand canyon back to the south rim after I about died in the floor of the thing. Yes, this is the news of the day. To celebrate this news I leave the readers with a moment of bicycle zen. Below are pictures from one of the half dozen or so large parking racks for bikes within Lund. There are probably 5 dozen smaller (maybe only hold 250 cycles) lots throughout the city, and countless single cycle parking places with bikes in every nock and cranny of the city. I'm sure my ride will turn up soon enough......

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