Lore of the Land

A blog dedicated to the cerebral upchucks and observations of a self promoting genius ahead of his time. Concentrating on the economy, political rebuke and the profound observations of this world we call home.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Finland on Bed Time Snacks

So, as you have deduced from my prior entry I am suffering terribly from some physical injuries as well as a mild case of PTSD that I sustained during the uber-competitive evening badminton game (don´t forget I am a passivist, so that level of competition is fairly foreign (pun intended) to me). I think the host mother (300 as I will call her) was feeling a bit bad for me, so she offered up a bed time snack. Cookies, crackers maybe, how about a glass of milk....no, let´s make a fire and grill brawtwurst instead! Are you bloody (I met a kenyan lad who studied in the UK, thus my change in explicatives) kidding me? No, she was not. Two firm links, two ´pints´ of lager that could fill horsetooth reservoir and a metal squeeze tube of mustard that has a label with a Finnish war hero decapitating a russian insurgent on it (makes the keebler elves look like real sissies doesn´t it). Anyways, fire was stoked and the meat was roasted. Down the hatch it went....pretty tasty, especially for midnight.

Advantage: Finnish cardiologists and life insurance agents trying to make their money on the ´short´.


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