What's Mine Is Mine.....

Sweden has some of the cutest kids I've ever seen anywhere in the world. They're all blonde haired blue eyed cute as can be. The colder climate forces mothers to dress them in all sorts of silly hat and glove combinations and various full length snow suits (even though there's no snow here - yet). It's a daily parade of comedy as the kids waddle along with their mothers in route to wherever they need to be.
This picture made me laugh everyday last week as I passed it on my way to the university. On the morning after, having watched (for the hundreth or so time), the Big Lebowski I couldn't help but be reminded of the brillient quote in that flick by Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) late in the movie when the dude, Donny and himself are under attack from the Nihilists after setting the dude's car on fire (finally killing it). Walter (while winding up to hurl a bowling bowl into the belly of a sword wielding Nihilist) says calmly, "What's mine is mine". Notice the bike lock. Classic!!
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