Lore of the Land

A blog dedicated to the cerebral upchucks and observations of a self promoting genius ahead of his time. Concentrating on the economy, political rebuke and the profound observations of this world we call home.....

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Back, but not for long.....

To my regular readers out there I post this post as an apology. I feel bad that I haven't posted in so long....I could come up with a ton of excuses, studies are too exhausting, project work is taking it's toll, etc, but what it really boils down to is that this blog no longer excites me. I have carried on my rambles on this forum for the parts of three years now.....same old gobbly goop with a different package. It has been a good run though, I will admit that. This blog was a learning experience for me....an excuse to write and share stories as I stumbled around my life. Things have changed for me though....big things, things like my direction in life, my attitude towards life, my view on the world, my aspirations for the future, and my next steps (whatever the hell those may be). So, I may dribble a tid bit here and there on this forum, but for the most part this blog is closed.....it's time to let go.

Now, with death comes life. Therefore I am planning to launch a new site in the month or so to come. It will have a different feel to it and a different moat from which I write. It will focus more on entrepreneurship and future trends as well as some huge topic areas that I have been uncovering like a 'participation society' and other behavioral and economic undertones that affect us all. It will be geared towards the future and less focused on telling stories of the past. Sure, I'll make sure to include the occasional over dramatization of a bout with food poisoning, or a minimalist travel tale, but the focus of the work will be different and more about the future and less about reporting the past. There is optimism in this next step.....stay tuned and keep checking back for the launch of the new blog. I promise not to disappoint.


At February 4, 2009 at 3:54 PM , Blogger JandJinLund said...

happy trails Lore...

At February 8, 2009 at 4:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

How will we know if you're alive?


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